our community

Golders Green Synagogue is an inclusive, authentic contemporary orthodox community in the heart of Golders Green

Golders Green Synagogue is an inclusive, contemporary orthodox Jewish community and member of the United Synagogue with outstanding religious, educational, social, welfare and children’s services.

The community has a long history dating back to 1915 when services were first held, during the First World War, in the hall of Golders Green Parish Church. The current synagogue building in Dunstan Road, which is now a Grade II listed building, opened in 1922 and currently serves more than 350 member households.

The past decade has seen an extraordinary regeneration of the community, with the opening of Rimon Jewish Primary School in 2012, which have combined to attract young families to the area. GGS is a warm and welcoming community that prides itself on its authenticity and diversity.

Our provision ranges from a weekday minyan, Shabbat and Yom Tov services and regular educational programmes to children’s and youth programmes, social action activities, welfare services and mother-and-baby groups.

Golders Green Synagogue is led by Rabbi Ben and Rebbetzin Abi Kurzer, working in partnership with Rabbi Sam and Rebbetzin Dr Hadassah Fromson.

Rabbi Ben and Rebbetzin Abi Kurzer

Senior Rabbi and Rebbetzin

The Kurzers joined GGS in May this year and are involved in every aspect of our community’s life. They have thrown themselves into their pastoral, halachic and educational roles and the community has embraced their leadership.

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Rabbi Sam and Rebbetzin Dr Hadassah Fromson

Community Rabbi and Rebbetzin

The Fromsons joined GGS in 2015 and partner with the Kurzers in nurturing, developing and inspiring the community. They offer pastoral support, education, and programming across all segments of the community.

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It is a caring community both in actions as well as in words and feels welcoming to those of all levels of Yiddishkeit

Norman, GGS member

GGS is a community of people who are incredibly giving, thoughtful and open minded. The Rabbi and community have been there for us as a family and me personally through thick and thin

Naomi, GGS member

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Golders Green Synagogue is a growing community that welcomes new members

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For more information about membership, contact our administrator Joanna Linden at: office@ggshul.org.uk