Senior Rabbi and Rebbetzen

Rabbi and Rebbetzen Kurzer are the senior rabbinic couple at Golders Green Synagogue

Rabbi and Rebbetzen Kurzer joined Golders Green Shul in May 2024 as senior rabbi and rebbetzin.

Rabbi Kurzer was led to the rabbinate by his two passions – people and education.  He utilises his warmth and love of people, coupled with Yeshiva University’s pastoral training and a wealth of experience to guide people through all types of situations.  He enjoys teaching, particularly about the development of halacha (Jewish law), personal growth and Jewish history and is known for his clear, organised teaching style.

Prior to Golders Green, he served as Rabbi of Pinner Shul, Assistant Rabbi at Edgware United.  He earned his semicha (rabbinic ordination) and a BA in Jewish History from Yeshiva University/RIETS and whilst living in America worked for New Jersey NCSY and the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates.

When not busy with shul life, Rabbi Kurzer can be found with his family, reading or on the football pitch.  He is a keen footballer, having played twice in the Rabbis vs. Spurs Legends charity game for Laniado Hospital, as well as a general sports fan.  He also has a love of fast cars, particularly F1, and is currently saving for his first supercar which he hopes to purchase in the year 2268.

Rebbetzen Abi brings her creativity, macro-thinking and experience of working pastorally in the Jewish charity sector to her role as Rebbetzen of Golders Green Shul.

She earned her undergraduate degree in Psychology from UCL after studying in Michlalah in Israel.  After moving to New York, Abi completed her Master’s degree in clinical social work at Wurzeiler School of Social Work and worked as a counselor at the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services in Brooklyn, New York.  She also trained as a teacher of Taharat HaMishpacha with the OU and Young Israel. As a Ma’ayan, Abi has taught higher Jewish education classes to various communities in and around London as well as appearing on BBC Radio 4’s Beyond Belief. Rebbetzen Abi previously served as the Rebbetzen at Pinner United Synagogue and the assistant rebbetzen at Edgware United.

Rebbetzen Abi is completing a doctorate in clinical psychology and uses her blend of psychological thinking and Torah insight to support people going through life’s celebratory moments and curve-balls too.

The Kurzers have four wonderful children who keep them as busy as all the rest of their responsibilities put together!

contact us

Rabbi Ben Kurzer
Phone: 07593034381

Rebbetzen Abi Kurzer
Phone: 07912650074

Rabbi Kurzer's TOI blog

Read the blog by clicking below


Rabbi Kurzer on YUTorah

Listen to Rabbi Kurzer’s shiurim by clicking below


Rebbetzen Kurzer's blog

Read the blog by clicking below