Female Inclusion

Golders Green Synagogue prides itself on placing women’s inclusion at the heart of its mission and we are deeply committed to maximising opportunities for women in every area of communal life within traditional orthodox practice.

Our women’s officers, Dina Kaufman and Caroline Levey, constantly engage with Rabbi Belovski to find ways to increase women’s involvement within the life of our Shul and community.

Over the past 15 years, we have found multiple ways to increase female involvement at GGS.  These include:

  • Women and men davening on the same level with a glass mechiza (separation);
  • Women’s hakafot with sifrey Torah on Simchat Torah;
  • Rebbetzin Hadassah delivering high-level shiurim and sermons on Shabbat and Yom Tov;
  • Providing Kaddish and Kiddush training for women, so that all who wish have the confidence to recite these prayers;
  • Adon alom choir of girls and boys at the end of Shabbat morning services.

Please do contact us with any ideas you would like to discuss.

Contact our Women's Officers

Caroline Levey: caroline@ggshul.org.uk